Thursday, September 2

An inside job

A few posts ago I had a photo of a weird tomato growing on our costoluto fiorentino plant and I promised that I would post a photo when it was cut open. Well the dreadful deed is done and our weird tomato is sadly no more.

Taking a photo was going to pose a bit of a problem as the tomato is (or I should say was) such a contorted shape - so we resorted to filming the dramatic moment.

We decided that we would use the tomato in our lunch-time sandwich but after viewing the video you will understand why we had to rethink and use the tomato when cooking dinner.

Apparently a translation from Italian to English reveals quite an appropriate name for this variety of tomato 'ribbed florentine'. Most of the other tomatoes live up to this name perfectly but this one well maybe you can think of an appropriate name in either Italian or English!

Costoluto wasn't our only victim this week some of its cousins fell under the knife too ...

Another couple of varieties harvested were Brandywine and Tumbling Tom - the little and large of our tomato crops.

The Brandywine may look large enough but it's nothing like a large as one that we picked last year. See this post

Even this 'small' Brandywine proved equal to the task of filling this man-sized sandwich. It even managed to fill a woman sized sandwich too with a few bits on the side!


  1. This is the strangest shape of tomato that I have ever seen. It looks like there are small tomatoes growing out of that one.

    The rest of the tomatoes on the pictures are beautiful! But at this point, I would be happy growing only weird ones, as I don't have any.

  2. That really is a very odd tomato! The others are making me hungry!

  3. But you do have lots of tomato sauce Vrtlarica

    Hi Mum of P - Not long since eaten the sandwich!

  4. It was an ace tomato...somehow it seemed bigger in the first photo you posted though.

    It looked just as amazing in the inside as the outside...wouldn't ant to try peeling that one though!!

    I haven't had any strange shape tomatoes this year which why isn't a problem is kind of's amazing some of the shapes they can create!!

  5. We have had a few with little noses Tanya. Must admit it didn't get peeled!

  6. Tomatoes certainly do come in all shapes and sizes as well as colours too.

  7. Absolute heaven! thick sliced tomato in a salad or sandwich!

  8. Some yummy looking things greenlane :)


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