Monday, January 29

More wind

There were more strong winds last week, but we did manage one afternoon at the allotment. So far we have been let off lightly where the winds have been concerned. A couple of beds had the enviromesh covers blown to one side. Other than that the main problem was that the greenhouse frame from a neighbouring plot had, yet again, blown onto our plot. This must be the fourth or fifth time that this has happened. Fortunately this time there was little damage. In summer it managed to batter our sweet peas, Martyn, once again, dragged it back onto the neighbouring plot along with a large sheet of black plastic that had come from the same place.  No doubt it won't be the last time that the frame visits us.

My sister wasn't as lucky as us, her garden fence was flattened so this week we will be on fencing duty.

NB: I still can't comment on most Blogger blogs unless I am able to comment anonymously which many blogs have switched off. I'm not ignoring you but it seems that this is a widespread Blogger issue so if you use Blogger you may have fewer comments than usual.
If you are having the same issues commenting here you can comment on the full post which uses WordPress.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Monday, January 22


Last week was bitterly cold so we stayed away from the allotment. When the ground was really frosty, some of our walks were shortened. We could wrap up warmly but we were concerned that Ruby's feet could end up frostbitten. We wash her feet if she has been walking where there are lots of dogs. This was recommended by a vet. Dogs tend to lick their feet so washing helps cut down the chances of Ruby picking up some diseases. At this time of year, it also washes off any salt pickled up from gritted footpaths. Ruby is used to the routine so it only takes a minute or two and is worth the small amount of effort.

We went to Nostell at the end of the week when the ground wasn't as frosty but the lakes were iced over.

NB: I still can't comment on most Blogger blogs unless I am able to comment anonymously which many blogs have switched off. I'm not ignoring you but it seems that this is a widespread Blogger issue so if you use Blogger you may have fewer comments than usual.
If you are having the same issues commenting here you can comment on the full post which uses WordPress

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Monday, January 15

All fall down

The weather was cold and bleak last week. Just for a change everywhere was wet. Even when it wasn't raining we seemed to be living in a cloud. It also seemed to have forgotten how to be light. Saturday started out very bright and sunny but then seemed to realise its mistake and, by the time we arrived at the allotment, the sun decided it was time to go into hiding.

When the weather is like it is, our main reason for visiting the plot is to harvest a few things. We managed to find a few sprouts, and a couple of cabbages - one green and one red. They are both very small but hopefully, we will manage to get something out of them.

NB: For some reason, I can't post a comment on many Blogger blogs. I am told that I need to sign in to Google but when I click the sign-in button nothing happens. If blogs that I visit regularly don't see me commenting, I'm not ignoring you.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Monday, January 8


We've had lots more rain this week. It seems once the rain starts it doesn't know when to stop. Accompanying the rain we have been treated to strong winds. It's been generally unpleasant although the sun has struggled to make brief appearances.

The allotment is very soggy so any work on the plot is still on hold. We did however need more parsnips and leeks so we popped to the allotment to do some harvesting and check on any damage.  Other than enviromesh being blown off some beds and a piece of weed control fabric being shredded, we seem to have got off lightly.

Enviromesh had partially blown off the bed where the onions, garlic and shallots are growing which provided us with the opportunity to check how they were doing before repegging down the mesh.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Wednesday, January 3

December in pictures