Monday, January 29

More wind

There were more strong winds last week, but we did manage one afternoon at the allotment. So far we have been let off lightly where the winds have been concerned. A couple of beds had the enviromesh covers blown to one side. Other than that the main problem was that the greenhouse frame from a neighbouring plot had, yet again, blown onto our plot. This must be the fourth or fifth time that this has happened. Fortunately this time there was little damage. In summer it managed to batter our sweet peas, Martyn, once again, dragged it back onto the neighbouring plot along with a large sheet of black plastic that had come from the same place.  No doubt it won't be the last time that the frame visits us.

My sister wasn't as lucky as us, her garden fence was flattened so this week we will be on fencing duty.

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Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett


  1. Bummer about the neighbors' stuff blowing on your allotment. When we lived in town, every spring I would have to clean up tons of packing peanuts that would blow into out yard. I hate Styrofoam because of those.

    1. The neighbour is giving up the plot, Bonnie so fingers crossed that the next person gardens it


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