Monday, May 27

Short and sweet

Our spell of lovely summery weather was short-lived and we are back to dodging the rain.

Despite the weather, we have managed to get on with work on the allotment. In the plot greenhouse, Martyn planted up the tomatoes  There only remains the plants that will live outside at the plot to plant out.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Monday, May 20

Spring into summer

Last week the sunshine stuck around and we enjoyed summery weather. We seem to have skipped spring and jumped forward into summer. Will it last?

At the allotment, we are even having to water. The soil is still wet below the surface which is fine for potatoes and anything that is fairly well established but the surface is dry so seeds and young plants with shallow roots need a helping hand.

We are a bit concerned about our first sowing of peas. They don't seem to be growing fast enough and the weevils are chomping some shoots into oblivion. The row is very patchy.

As well as general plot maintenance, I also sowed a mixture of annual flowers and picked the first small posy of sweet peas.

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Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Monday, May 13

Carrots, peas and T-shirts

Last week the weather took a rather dramatic turn for the better. The sun shone and the temperatures felt summery. There's nothing more fickle than the weather here in the UK. This week it's just as likely that it will turn wintery.

The hedgerows are now covered in hawthorn or May blossom. The old saying, "Cast not a clout 'til May is out", was very appropriate. The May blossom is out and clouts - or articles of clothing - were duly cast. It was T-shirt weather but just to be on the safe side sweaters were kept close by.

Things were spurred into action at the allotment. The potatoes are growing quickly. All the potatoes have now pushed through the soil. Hopefully, damp conditions below ground with warmth and sunshine above will provide ideal growing conditions. We have to hope that our weather hasn't a sting in its tail and throws a late frost into the mix.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Wednesday, May 8

April in pictures

Monday, May 6

A taste of spring

The weather is gradually improving with some spells of sunshine lifting the mood. The rain hasn't totally left the stage and continues to have a co-starring role.

The first potatoes are through so fingers crossed that we don't have a late frost.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett