Saturday, May 31
Meeting with Allotments' Officer
I am concerned that you may not receive this mail in time for the meeting. On the agenda are security of the site and revisions to the Tenancy Agreement. You should receive the proposed revised agreement or at least part of it in the post but just in case I have copied the document sent out by the Allotments' Officers onto the web site. It would be useful for you to have read through it before the meeting. Click here to access revised agreement
Can I remind everyone that the meeting will begin at 7:00 on the site car park. Please do try to attend. Please bring something to sit on.
Friday, May 30
May diary and photo round!
Click here for the May diary page - It's not quite complete as we have a video that needs editing which will be included later!
10% Discount on ALL watering products
Harrod Horticultural are offering 10% discount on all products in their watering category. The offer will last through June and is available to anyone ordering using the link from our web site. To qualify for this special discount you must mention Green Lane in the offer box at the check out when ordering and must use one of the links from this blog or our web site.
Sunday, May 25
Greenhouse relocation

To read how we got on see the May diary on the web site for the last full week in May.
Can you spot the difference? It's a bit economical with the truth!
Thursday, May 22
BBQ Postponed
Due to the poor weather forecast for next Monday 26 May 2008 - it has been decided to postpone the planned spring BBQ until Sunday 8 June 2008 when it will become an early summer BBQ! Hopefully this may give us a better chance of some good weather and less chance of suffering from soggy sausages!
I hope that those of you who were unable to join us on 26 May will be able to come along on the 8 June. To help with arrangements could you let us know whether or not you will be able to come along. Fingers crossed!
Wednesday, May 21
Our first strawberry
Saturday, May 17
Thieves and vandals

Tuesday, May 13
Meeting with the Allotments' Officer
3 June 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
On the site car park – please bring a seat!
Agenda – “Revised Tenants’ Agreement” and site security.
Everyone is urged to attend.
Draft agreement and details will be distributed on behalf of the allotments' officer as soon as he lets us have them.
Monday, May 12
New weapons to ward off vandals?
New anti vandal device?
No kebab making lessons!
If you have any photos of Green Lane plotters not gardening then send them to me and I will post them on the web click here. Please make sure that you have their permission to do so though as we don't want any falling out!
Sunday, May 11
Rest and Relaxation
Saturday, May 10
Friday, May 9
How many?
Thursday, May 8
Association BBQ and Meeting

13 month old carrots

Monday, May 5
Have your say on site security

To post a comment:
- Click on the comments link in green - it will say 0 comments or 1 comment etc.
- Type your comment in the box - make sure you add your plot number.
- Copy the set of letters and numbers in to the Word verification box making sure that capital letters are used where shown
- Click the radio button next to Anonymous - unless you have a Google account and wish to use that ID. (This could be a Hotmail email account address e.g. and your email password)
- Click on the Publish your comment button.
- If you have made a mistake copying the set of letters it will refuse your comment and supply a different set of letters to be copied - this is to prove that you are a person and not a machine generating SPAM!
Sunday, May 4
May Diary has been started.
To be honest I was maybe better off staying at home today - if you receive email updates from me check your email to find out why - if you don't receive email hopefully you will be able to read the same information on site tomorrow weather permitting.