Saturday, August 29

Monster Tomato - the sequel

We picked - well more chopped off our largest tomato this week which weighed in at almost 1.1kg or 2½lbs.

Brandywine Tomato

It's a Brandywine beefsteak (or maybe buffalo steak in this case) variety which is known to produce huge fruits although I haven't come across one as large as this in my trawling of the Internet. General information says it regularly produces fruit of up to a 1lb in weight.

It was grown from seed in our home greenhouse in a large size growbag using a ring culture system. Must admit it was only really fed when we remembered to - nothing special just ordinary tomato food. The two large tomatoes were the first to set on the lowest truss and just grew and grew. The plant does have more fruit which have set higher up the plant but no more monsters.

Below is a video of the event! NB: the video was taken wide angle so a little is missing from the far right - for direct YouTube link click here

So let us know if you have had a bigger fruit.


  1. so are these monster tomatoes really tasty?? It looked nice and juicy when you cut it but I have to sat it is a variety of tomato I have avoided ass I am rather partial to smaller tomatoes.

  2. The monster had a good firm texture and was very juicy too but as far as the taste it was ordinary not exceptional. I know taste can vary in tomatoes with weather and amount of water/feed etc so wouldn't like to say this one was typical. We weren't exactly expecting monsters just normal beefsteaks.

    We just grew a large variety of tomatoes this year including small ones. haven't tried the really tiny ones yet though!


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