Possibly a misleading title as I don't think you ever really tame an allotment plot. The best that you can hope for is to maintain a balance which is slightly in the favour of the gardener. You just have to let down your guard for a few short weeks and the balance soon swings the other way.
Click here to read how we attempted to restore some sort of order to a derelict 'new' plot!
It would be really great if some other plot holders from Green Lane Horbury would share their experiences with us on the web site and blog. Some of you have made a far better job of clearing a derelict plot than we have. If you would like to include an article about how you and your plot find some sort of harmony then please email your text as a Word document and any photographs that you wish to include. If you don't feel like doing it yourself then see Sue on the site and I will take some photos and if necessary do a write up. (Your article needn't be very long!) If you don't garden at Green Lane then maybe you could share some of your experiences of clearing a new plot and the strange things that you have found in the undergrowth by posting a comment here.
Concern shifts from wet to cold
Throughout April our concern has been the lack of anything resembling a dry
spell of weather. However, the latter half of the month has been drier and
the ...
9 months ago
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