We have had a few new people join our community this year. Today I managed to catch up with some of them to grab a photo for our plotters album although some of the children were a bit shy. Our updated album can be viewed by clicking here.
If I have spelled your name wrongly or got the wrong plot number please let me know. If you are still not included in our album you needn't think you have escaped completely! There is always another day!
The new plot holders are really making in-roads into sorting out their plots so well done.
Looking through the album one thing that did strike me was how much some of the children have grown - I wonder if they can be persuaded to let me take a new photo?
Concern shifts from wet to cold
Throughout April our concern has been the lack of anything resembling a dry
spell of weather. However, the latter half of the month has been drier and
the ...
10 months ago
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