Wednesday, April 4

Win The Pictorial Field Guide - Herb and Spice seeds

Here comes the second chance to win one of Terry Woodger's Pictorial Field Guides. Click here to read more about these guides. Basically each guide is very similar, the difference being that in each the illustrated seeds section refers to the seeds from a particular group of types of plants.

This time the title is Herb and Spice Seeds so in an attempt to keep the competitions relevant, this time I have 15 photographs of herbs that I am either growing or have grown. All you have to do it to identify the herb in each photograph! Sounds easy doesn't it?

Just browse the slide show below and see how many herbs you can identify.

Some herbs may feature more than once. They are all herbs that would be used in cooking or baking but it may not be the part that we would use that is photographed.

You don't need to be able to name the variety in other words if you think the herb in the photograph is a type of thyme then you don't need to know which variety - thyme will do just fine - I don't want to be too cruel!

Don't worry if you can't recognise them all as maybe no-one else will so it's worth entering anyway.

Click here to access the entry form

If you can't get the entry form to submit your answers then try using Google Chrome as the form - created in Google documents - may not work with Internet Explorer. I think this is in principle as Google and Microsoft don't seem to like making their utilities available to the other. Alternatively email your answers to me.

The closing date for entries in 30 April 2012


  1. Okay I have had a little browse through and I am feeling a little more optimistic on this one than the last...I'm wondering though how literal we have to it just the name of the herb or the type of that herb too??

    1. Just the name of the herb Tanya such as 'mint'.

  2. This is even harder than the last one. I'm not very good with herbs as I don't grow many myself.

    1. Maybe when I do the flower one or fruit it may be more in your line Jo

  3. A Scoosh - (But I had to guess one)

    1. A scoosh was it? We'll see! I had to Google scoosh by the way!

  4. Well...I couldn't possibly do worse could I?

  5. I think I get a big C for my herb test.

    1. Maybe one of the next competitions will be more in your line Diana


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