- Tracy lives very close to the site which means she is readily available.
- She and her family spend a lot of time on site which means she is always aware of what is happening.
- She has a mixed plot growing vegetables on 2/3s of her plot and keeping poultry on 1/3 this means she is in tune with the needs of those who garden AND those who just tend livestock.
- She takes a pride in her plot and everything she does either when growing or looking after her hens is of the highest standard.
- As she tends her animals and often entertains on her plot in the evening she is in an ideal position to check on site security and has been often alert to unwelcome visitors.
- Tracy's plot is a good example of how a plot should be managed and maintained and during her first year of having a plot, she won the prize for the newcomer to allotment gardening.
- Her plot and behaviour on site conform to that which is set down in the council's tenancy agreement.
- Tracy's children are regularly with her on site again giving her an insight into the needs of a young family.
- Tracy is young and enthusiastic - always being keen to learn how to do things better.
- The full and varied use that Tracy makes of her plot means she is in tune with the needs of all types of plot holders on Green Lane.
In the interest of fairness if anyone wishes to say why they support a different volunteer please post a comment. Any comments that are of an abusive nature will be removed so please keep comments sensible.
The council requests that any volunteers or nominations be sent to them by 3 April. If you have lost the form that was sent out by the council then email the allotments' officer. Either ask for a form or give your name or that of your nominee and the number of their plot (51 for Tracy) via email.
The council have resolved the canvas for the role of Site Secretary. It was very close between Andy Barrow and Tracey Townend. However, on the basis of the canvas returns, they have asked Andy if he will be Site Secretary, and he has agreed
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean that those complaining about the Association committee being unelected have now been put in position without being elected!!
ReplyDeleteDid I miss the voting then?
ReplyDeleteI saw the nomination form but I didn't want to be site sec and the person I wanted had already been nominated. I was waiting for my voting form so when did it come?
Sorry I had to remove one comment as it could have been considered libellous.
ReplyDeleteI am a plot holder and I have received no notification from the council or anyone on site. So I presume the decision hasn't been made yet. I am still awaiting my voting form from the council and will complain to Mr Slade if the decision is not made through a full vote (a vote was taken last time site secretary was chosen).
ReplyDeleteSorry A Plotter but Mr S decided that he would choose the site sec. based on the number of nominations received for proposed candidates so if you didn't send in a nomination then you don't get a vote!!
ReplyDeleteLooked up nomination and found this definition:
"Nomination is part of the process of selecting a candidate for either election to an office, or the bestowing of an honor or award."
Anyone know how many people sent in nominations or how many nominations each person got?
So who has been told who the site sec is and when will everyone else find out?
ReplyDeleteI do hope this is all just another wind up but in case it isn't...
ReplyDeleteHad this been made apparent by the inadequate communication from the council I would have responded with a nomination (psuedo vote apparently) for my choice of candidate.
I believe many plotholders will feel the same way about this as the procedure for the selection of a site secretary was previously by vote if more than one nomination had been made.
Apparently this was just because someone fancied it that way at the time and has gone for another option this time.
The position of site secretary is not an award and is not an honour as per the definition given. As such it would be usual for it to be a nomination for election for the role of site secretary according to the definition given.
A plotter.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a windup.
The allotments' officer has personally sent the information given by 'Democracy at work' to the chair of the Association. I believe the new site secretary has also spoken to several plot holders too.
If you want official confirmation I suggest you either email or ring the allotment's officer
Received an email from the council today, which states;
ReplyDelete'We will be writing to all plotholders this week to explain how this matter will be resolved'
So the council have changed their minds again.
ReplyDeleteAt least this time they have seen sense!!
Let's all just make sure we vote! (For Tracey)