After unavoidable delay, the heap of rubbish was cleared from plot 46 on Sunday.
This means that work can now start on construction on the plot.
To read more about what is planned for this plot please click here
The first job will be to cover the plot with weed suppressant membrane - some of which is being stored on Matthew's plot - plot 13. If anyone is feeling in need of a bit of exercise then please feel free to start covering the plot.
The next job will be to construct the storage bays - we have a possible source of free (damaged) breeze blocks but will need someone with a lorry or trailer to collect them for us - if anyone can help then please make contact.
If you would be willing to give a little time to be part of the construction crew then also please contact me. (There will be lots of labouring work to do for those of us who wouldn't know one side of a breeze brick from another - so don't be shy). The more volunteers the better! EVERYONE will be welcome! All that we need is lots of enthusiasm.
Concern shifts from wet to cold
Throughout April our concern has been the lack of anything resembling a dry
spell of weather. However, the latter half of the month has been drier and
the ...
9 months ago
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