Wednesday, February 7

Car Parking Area Clean Up

Now that most of the new plots are cleared of non garden type rubbish. Jan has contacted the council and Neighbourhood Action to organise a clear up. The allotment officer, Steve Slade, has also asked that Neighbourhood Action clear the area and they have added us to their list of tasks. I thought it may help to enlist the help and support of our local councillors and so emailed them to ask if they would also make representations to Neighbourhood Action. I had an immediate response from Janet Holmes and with her permission I have copied her email below:

Dear Susan,
Brian and I are delighted with the progress you have make with these allotments and are only too pleased to request the removal of the rubbish from the car park. I have today completed the appropriate request form and added that I feel this is an important issue. Should their work load be such that they can not complete everything on the list, rest assured we can get it moved through other measures.
Please feel free to contact me again on this, or any other subject in the future.
Kind regards,

Janet Holmes.

The 'you' refers to all of us not just me! Thought that I had better make clear that I don't take credit for all your efforts. So watch this space or watch the car park and cross your fingers and anything else that may help.
As you are aware once the car park is cleared no more rubbish will be dumped there as this was an interim agreement with the council to help new tenants.
If you have any rubbish still on your plot I would suggest that you pop it on the pile as soon as possible.

Ever the optimist I hope that our car park will be back to being a car park very shortly.

Just received an email from Councillor John Sharp as follows:

The area is on the programme for clearing up.

So with support from all three of our councillors things are looking good!

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