Monday, April 22

Spring green and blue

Our weather continues to be unsettled. I guess that we should see that as a bonus as now it just rains some of the time.

We have had some hail and rain accompanied by bitingly cold wind. We have had some sunshine but this hasn't meant that the temperature crept up although at times we have been tempted to shed one of our layers of clothing.

At the beginning of the week, the forecast was promising that the weather would improve, but of course, that changed, although the weekend was relatively pleasant.

At least, we have continued to make progress at the allotment. We planted a second bed of onions, shallots and garlic. The shallots were seedlings and so will only each produce one shallot each but last year the individual shallots were huge. Mal informed me that if I replanted a shallot the following year it would produce a cluster. Two of last year's shallots have shooted so I have planted them to see what happens. You may be able to spot these at the end of the far row, they may be too far gone but we'll see what happens.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett


  1. Gladioli and Sweet Williams will be lovely . I will watch your Youtube video a bit later on . Love to see what Ruby is up to !

  2. I'm sure your shallots will grow well, Sue.


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