Monday, April 15

Some progress

The weather has continued to tease. Some days have been positively spring-like but dark water-laden clouds suddenly appear in the sky threatening and often delivering more rain.

We made the most of the rain-free periods to work on the plot and in the garden as well as fitting in Ruby's walks.

One job was to plant more potatoes. One of our favourite potatoes is Elfe. For the last couple of years, we haven't been able to source any seed potatoes so last year we planted some of the ones we had stored over winter. We did wonder whether they would produce a harvest and it turned out that we had a better harvest from them than most of the other varieties planted. As a result, we will be planting our stored Elfe again. Last week we planted a couple of short rows.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

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