Monday, December 11

Contrasting weather

Last week, we had everything that the weather gods could find to throw at us, except warmth. Most days were wet and miserable days when it hardly managed to get light. On other days, we had bright sunshine and a little snow which froze and was crunchy underfoot. Then at the weekend, we had persistent rain and strong winds.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett


  1. Hi Sue!
    Thank you for your comment on my blog. Your blog is also very beautiful. I read some posts and really liked the photos.
    Have a nice week :)

  2. Beautiful photos from this time of year. Christmas trees are already appearing!
    And the little dog is very cute!

    1. Thank you. No Christmas trees in our house yet.

  3. I so admire people with a green thumb! Such a useful skill that benefits the entire community. God bless, Laurie

  4. Olá, obrigada porO calor que tem feito por aqui em minha região está insuportável. Hje deve ter feito 40 graus . Suando em bicas e a cachorrinha incomodada sem saber driblar tanto calor . Vou me cadastrar como seguidora para mehor te acompanhar. Abraços e tenha um feliz e abençoado natal.


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