Tuesday, May 16

Beds are starting to fill up but steadily

We spent three busy afternoons at the allotment. Martyn, spent time strimming as the grass is growing at an alarming rate. The conditions are ideal for both grass and weed growth so Martyn strimmed and I weeded.

We did, however, fit in quite a lot of other things too.  


Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments http://glallotments.blogspot.co.uk/ author S Garrett


  1. Sue, You have such an order in the allotment , the grass is mowed and there are no weeds. I like the way you planted carrots. I also dropped the beans, but I'm afraid that the nights are cold up to +5 C. The peas haven't sprouted yet, I'm preparing sticks for them. Ruby didn't want to play with the lambs, don't she? The park is beautiful, amazing azaleas.

    1. I'm afraid that there areplenty of weeds Nadezda and the grass seems to need cutting the day after it has been cut,


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