Monday, March 21

Almost back in track

All the conditions aligned last week to enable us to get back to some semblance of normality.

The weather was fine and Martyn's aches had improved. Not only did Ruby enjoy a longer walk during our visit to Nostell but, we spent an afternoon at the allotment doing some actual work.

Martyn, was still gently easing himself back into the swing of things so, instead of going all out and strimming all the grass paths, he concentrated on the paths around the beds that will be the first to be plated up. Fortunately, all of these had been dug over last autumn and so should be ready to go after a spot of hoeing.

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Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett


  1. It's nice to get some good weather so that we can get on with a few jobs. We're forecast more of the same this week which I'm pleased about as Mick's got the week off work.

    1. Mick chose a good week to be off work, Jo

  2. It is amazing what good weather does for the soul. Your post inspired me to start seedlings. Your forget-me-nots. They are one of my favorite flower.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It certainly is, Bonnie. I love forget me nots too

  3. La primavera comincia bene da te e il giacinto bianco è molto bello :)

    Buona primavera :)

    1. La primavera è la mia stagione preferita, Gabriel. Grazie per il tuo commento

  4. Mmm, your bean and vegetable dish looks particularly good. This proper Spring weather has been so perfect for the allotment, glad you and M have also been able to enjoy it

    1. We've had a really productive week Belinda all good


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