Sunday, March 3

Quick Seedling Update

Just a very quick update to show you how our seedlings are coming along. It always surprises me that after the first seedlings show above the soil the rest follow really quickly.

I just wonder whether this year these tiny seedlings will amount to anything in the way of a harvest?

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett


  1. Of course they will! You have the experience to make this happen. Lovely to see the sprouts. My celery have germinated so am pleased about that. Big Red..have you grown them? First for me.

    1. So far Bren we have never managed to achieve a crop from either celery or celeriac so our experience has been to fail! No we haven't grown any Big Red ... celery.

  2. Yes they will, I have a good feeling about the weather this year. I have just finished cleaning the greenhouse (hands cut and sore!) and so excited because my peppers have just germinated on my window sill. Happy happy happy!

    1. Hope your hands are feeling better Chel

  3. It doesn't take long for the onion seedlings to start reaching for the skies. I've moved mine in to the greenhouse now.

  4. I have been doing alot of reserch this year into celeriac they like things to be just right apparently so Fingers crossed i will get at least 1!

    1. We thought they would thrive in the wet conditions last year, Stacy but they didn't.

  5. Wow...look at all that celeriac....Are these indoor seedlings?? I haven't sown anything yet and just when I think I can start putting something in the greenhouse they predict snow again. :-(

    1. They are inside at the moment, Tanya. There may be lots of celeriac seedlings but will it become 'proper' celeriac?


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