Friday, March 15

Making the most of it

This week I have been bemoaning the fact that the snowdrops and crocuses are just not opening up their petals and so I was delighted yesterday that the brief periods of brightness (I refuse to call it sunshine) encouraged the petals to unfurl.

For the snowdrops it may be a last chance to strut their stuff as the flowers are fading and the seed capsules are just beginning to swell.
As for the crocus Prince Claus (Prins Claus) can't even manage to stand upright to put on a show and is lying down on the job whereas the purple ones (from a mixed pack so I don't know which variety it is but they look like yours Bilbo) are made of sterner stuff.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett


  1. Glad you managed to catch them doing their thing before they fade. No sun here today, it was spitting when I walked the dog this morning.

  2. Lovely pictures Sue. It's been raining nearly all day here, but yesterday morning was lovely and sunny...I even took my coat off for an hour at my allotment

    1. It was yesterday when I took the photos, Lisa. Today has been drizzly but at times it tempted us into thinking it was brightening but didn't.

  3. Beautiful photos Sue :) Wishing you plenty more periods of 'Brightness'!

    1. Let's all wish really hard, Tanya and be really good so our wishes will come true!

  4. I can never seem to get down low enough to take decent shots of snowdrops - I'm thinking of growing some in a hanging basket next year - watch this space.

    1. Ours are in a bed that it held back by a two foot high wall, Elaine making photography a bit easier

  5. Great pictures, yesterday was sunny here in London too, but today it's been raining all day. Seems like the forecast for the next 5 days will be rain and more rain. Ugh!

    1. Rain on and off here too today, helene.

  6. I've always found Prins Claus a little prone to lying down on the job, shame it is such a lovely crocus apart from that. Glad you got a little glimpse of open bulbs.

    1. It is a lovely variety, Janet even if lazy.

  7. I do enjoy your flower photos Sue - really pretty.

    1. Thanks Liz - I enjoy taking them. WE have some as wall art at home

  8. Lovely photos Sue. I keep looking at mine in the garden from the window as they are being pelted with snow and rain. I will just have to take some shots with rain dripping from them. Hope next week is better. Take care. Chel x

    1. Rain dripping off them can make for lovely photos too Chel. I just managed my photos in the briefest spell of sunshine

  9. I really love snow drops. I need to remember to add them to my gardens next year. Cheers, Jenni

    1. You must Jenni and now is the time to buy them and plant them. Don't buy just stored bulbs as you need to plant 'in the green' with foliage still growing.


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