In response to a comment I made in a letter to my MP regarding the poor level of publicity from the CRD about the problems associated with manure contamination. Parliamentary Under Secretary of State - Dan Norris MP said:
"I can assure you that much is being done by the various parties involved to bring this matter to the attention of the general public. The Chemicals Regulation Directorate has publicised this issue through its website (, by replying to enquiries via its Information Section, and by being interviewed on Gardeners' Question Time. They have also recently published a leaflet for garden centres and other gardening organisations".
My concern is that people only find out about the need to be careful when obtaining manure after they have been affected - i.e when they are searching for answers as to why their plants are dying! People need to be forewarned so they don't obtain contaminated manure in the first place. So where did you learn about the problem and when and do you think enough publicity is being aimed at the general public?
Please make a comment on this post to express your views. Have you seen any leaflets in garden centres etc?
Leaflets can be viewed here and downloaded from here You will need to have Adobe acrobat installed to view the file. A free version can be obtained from here
Concern shifts from wet to cold
Throughout April our concern has been the lack of anything resembling a dry
spell of weather. However, the latter half of the month has been drier and
the ...
9 months ago
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