Thursday, January 18

Letters to councillors and MP - responses

I have recently written letters to the three local councillors and Ed Balls our MP.

So far I have had a response from Councillor Janet Holmes indicating that she has asked Groundwork to contact the site secretary to view the site and also from Councillor John Sharp who has agreed for his response to be published here - it reads as follows:

Could I first thank you for your email about the Green Lane allotments and then point out I am not the green fingers type, and know very little about gardening or allotments. However I do appreciated what allotments do for the environment and the enjoyment it brings for the people who run them.
I do apologise for the fact you do not feel you have received enough support from the council. I will make some enquiries to find out what the current situation is concerning allotments and see what can be done over the security of the site. As a new councillor it may time me a bit of time to find out which part of the council deals with allotments but I will keep you informed of what I find out.
If possible could we arrange a meeting down at the allotments so you can show me the problems you are facing and so I can fully appreciate what you do and how I could help.
Finally feel free to put any information on your Blog, I will make it clear any information I would not want to be made public.
Many thanks for you time
John Sharp
Councillor - Horbury & South Ossett"

If anyone can think of any other influential people that we can canvas please let me know and I will forward similar letters to them
Hot off the press!
I have just this minute had an email from Groundwork and they are going to contact us in March and will try to support us in obtaining some funding.

Recent additional information
Click here to access the site referred to by Plot34 in the comments.


  1. But what did your letter say?

  2. Hello anonymous,
    Good to hear from you again whoever you are!
    I did consider putting my letter on the blog but it is rather long. As you are interested I will pop the letter on the secretary's notice board near the main gate, so that anyone interested can have a look.

    Hopefully this afternoon weather permitting!

    Hope that you approve of the contents.

  3. Full letter posted on the site notice board as promised. Just hope that it doesn't blow away.

    In short (the actual letter is two sides of A4)I suggested that allotments fare quite badly in respect of council funding and I asked for support in the provision of a secure fence. This I said should be considered to be a basic requirement of any allotment site.

    I also pointed out that tenants on allotment sites are actually supporting government policy in growing their own and having an active, outdoor lifestyle and therefore, should be encouraged to continue doing so by being made a higher priority!

  4. I like this page from a government web site!!

  5. Quite right Plot34!
    I have drawn the council's attention to this before. The quote most relevant to us is ...
    The allotment authority should ensure that adequate security measures, such as good fences and hedges, are in place and that tenants know what is provided and how to use them.

    So it will be very interesting to read what Mr Balls has to say.

    I'll put a direct link to this on the blog so it's just a click away


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