Monday, September 30

Do your research!

Autumn is definitely strengthening its grip. The leaves are beginning to turn colour, evenings and mornings are darker and there is a definite chill in the air. We have had some rain but nothing like the downpours being experienced in some parts of the country.

NB: Sometimes comments made here rather than on my main blog often are overlooked and languish in a moderation list. Sorry if this happens - I'm honestly not ignoring you


  1. We're certainly getting some down here in Cornwall this evening ⛈️. I am so happy Ruby has got her wag back . I am very envious of your beautiful Crown Prince Squash . I'm going to harvest mine're going to laugh ! The blow torch is a great idea by the way .

  2. Autumn has come to us too, some trees are turning yellow, birch leaves are flying in the air. Beautiful photo. Lovely orzo dish.


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