Monday, November 14

A second week away from the plot

Another non-gardening week last week.

Preparing for our new carpets to be fitted involved taking a desk apart. Whilst doing this a large piece of wood fell on, Martyn's foot. The result was a badly grazed shin and a bruised foot. This meant that he could only manage to wear a certain pair of shoes that were unsuitable for gardening or walking anywhere muddy.

My sister had a fall and needed a visit to a local minor injuries unit and I had a bit of a problem with my knee which, fortunately, seems to have sorted itself out. All in all, Ruby was the only one operating on all cylinders.

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Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

1 comment:

  1. We're all aches and pains here too for various reasons . What are we like ? !! Glad Ruby's o.k though . I do miss having a little dog to cuddle and go walkies with . Give her a cuddle from me x


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