Monday, October 31

We had a little quince tree

Back in 2010 we planted a young quince tree. I wrote a blog post about it here.
Twelve years in and our little quince tree now looks like this.

This year it has provided us with a bumper harvest. Lat week, we decided to pick as many fruits as we could as we didn't want to leave fruit to rot on the tree. We knew that the tree was loaded with fruit but what we didn't expect was the fill our barrow and several buckets with fruit. This was on top of the several buckets that we had already picked.

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Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett


  1. Good harvest Sue. I have never eaten quince fruit. I think they are sour. What do you do with a lot of quince?

    1. They are sour Nadezda, We make a fruit compote form ours to have with porridge. A neighbour that I gave some to made membrillo.


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