Monday, April 5

Out of action

Any gardening activity has been put on hold for me. My problem with my shoulder has migrated and now the length of my arm and wrist are affected. When I wake up on the morning, I mostly feel ‘normal’ but soon after getting out of bed reality settles in and activity is restricted. I’m writing this on my iPad again as I can sit back nestling in the cushions of the sofa. 

I have managed to wander around the garden to take a few photos. 
There is quite a lot of colour in the garden. One could almost imagine that we had waved goodbye to winter weather but sadly this isn’t the case as the temperatures drop.

Martyn has been busy tidying the garden and sorting out the garden greenhouse whilst I have had to be satisfied by curling up with a Kindle. At this rate I’ll have to pick out more books. As well as some tidying, Martyn made sure that the newly sprouted potato’s and dahlias were covered with layers of fleece to protect them from the sudden cold spell. It’s hard to believe that at the beginning of the week, we were basking in summer temperatures

We had an afternoon at the allotment but for me this just involved a mooch around with, Ruby whilst, Martyn uncovered more beds and hoed the soil in preparation for planting. We made a video tour of the plot which is posted here.

There is lots of colour on the plot too. Some tulips in the pear tree bed are fully open. Soon they will be joined by pear blossom as the trees are covered in buds ready to burst. I hope that they wait for the cold weather to disappear.

The flower buds of the earliest blueberry bushes are also ready to open.

The Oullins Gage plum tree, as usual, is the first of the fruits to flower. I hope some of the bees spotted the early flowers during the short spell of summer. Ruby is worryingly showing great interest in anything that flies so we are hoping that she doesn’t manage to catch anything that will fight back.

The warm weather and slight easing of lockdown meant that we shared our first coffee break for over a year with our plot neighbour. We have all had our first vaccination but still sat far enough apart but at least it was a start.

We gathered a small harvest before heading home.

We still have a few red cabbages that have stood up to last winter’s weather better than the green ones. Some of these will be cooked and frozen.
The Rudolph broccoli we are enjoying freshly picked.

This week’s selection of meals start off with a Thai squash and pineapple curry. Into this went some Crown Prince squash, onion and frozen green beans.
Next was a spiced chicken stew made in the slow cooker into which went more of the Crown Prince squash.

Finally, I made an Indian style vegetable rice. Into this went, onion, carrot and from the freezer green beans, sweet corn and peas.

That’s it for last week, I’m hoping that this week my activity level will improve although the weather is not likely to tempt us to do much outdoors. It may have been summer at the beginning of last week but we had a light covering of snow early this morning. Fortunately, it didn’t hang around.

As always in these uncertain times keep safe and well.

This week I'm joining Harvest Monday on Dave's Our Happy Acres blog so I have linked to him this week  

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett


  1. I never know what to say in situations like this. I am saddened that you are feeling so much pain that it interferes with your life, but I am very happy to see such vibrant color in your bulbs.

    1. At least I have something beautiful to look at, Jane

  2. I can completely empathize with your situation. My new weeding regime last year, which didn't start until after the weeds were well on their way, left me with carpal tunnel type wrist issues going into the winter. It was really my fault as I didn't start the new routine until summmer, so was playing catch up until the end of the season. Then my knitting and computer use over winter continued to aggravate it, so I've cut back on both in the past couple of months. This year, I'm starting the new routine now & I'm hoping that keeping on top of the weeds right from the start resolves this issue.

    1. I was sorting out a seriously overgrown patch, Margaret and heavy wet soil didn’t help. I think I tried to do too much yesterday and set things back again

  3. Oh dear, sorry to hear your shoulder has not improved. I had frozen shoulder a couple of years ago. NHS website has some good gentle exercises.
    Lovely colourful photos of emerging spring

    1. I think even gentle exercise is out at the moment Belinda

  4. Very sorry to hear of the shoulder issues. It must be frustrating not being able to help. I hope you get good physical therapy.

    1. Only self therapy tpals and I guess resting things.

  5. Very sorry to hear you're in pain, I hope you are able to sort it somehow. I've got plantar fasciitis at the moment and it's very frustrating not to be able to march about all over the place. The red cabbage looks brilliant. Have you ever tried making sauerkraut? It works well with red cabbage as well as white.

    1. We had sauerkraut once in Germany, CJ and neither of us liked it, I don’t think we have a taste for fermented foods.

  6. That's a lovely assortment of flowers you have blooming now. I hope you can get your shoulder issues sorted out soon, because I know how frustrating that must be,

    1. I think any exercising is out at the moment, Belinda. Everything feels fine first thing on the morning and then things go downhill as the day moves on.

  7. How frustrating not being able to get out and do some garden chores while it is so pretty. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Your food looks delicious. Cheers.

  8. You poor thing ! Hope the discomfort eases up soon .Your Spring flowers are gorgeous and what a good harvest too . Rest up and keep warm . Daisy Debbie xxx

    1. I really don’t like sitting around Debbie but I guess I’ll have to,

  9. So sorry you are out of action and in pain. I empathise. Hope it eases soon, but these things can take their own sweet time.

    1. You’re right, Deborah but I’m feeling impatient

  10. Hope things normalise after some enforced rest. (My left elbow problem has migrated to my right elbow - coinciding with some heavy weeding sessions)

  11. This must be the worst time of the year for you to be out of action, I hope it mends soon. Lovely to see all the colour in your garden, snakeshead fritillaries are a favourite at this time of year, mine have just started blooming too.

  12. Oh Sue how frustrating for you especially at this busy time of year! At least you have a competent co- worker who can keep things going at the allotment. Do take care and whatever you do don't return to vigorous activities until you are well and truly healed xxx

  13. Oh, so sorry to hear about the pain in your shoulder travelling. I hope it all settles down soon. I'm having similar problems, too much decorating and gardening. I can barely lift my right arm. Loving your blooms, harvest and delicious meals though. The weather is the same here, pretty cold, we've even had sleet and snow flurries, although it's bright and sunny. Good to know you have been able to interact with your allotment friend, goodness, the things we took for granted eh?xxx

  14. At least my problem is my left arm, Dina

  15. Oh dear, I do hope your shoulder/arm pain has gone now and doesn't return. You don't realise how much you rely on on it until you have a problem.

    1. Fortunately it was the left arm< Shirley. I didn't realise until I was digging something up that the left arm seems to take more of the strain than the right one.


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