Sunday, August 31

Baby Shield bug

Two of these little fella/girls popped up from amongst the yellow raspberries that I picked yesterday.
They were smaller than my little finger nail and I have small fingers.

They are common green shield bugs (imaginative name eh?) which feed on various plants but  cause little damage. Read more here 


  1. I was trying to figure out what the heck the bug was on, until it dawned on me it was a raspberry. That really gave me an idea of size.

    1. They do grow quite a bit bigger, Daphne - I'd never spotted any as small as these before,

  2. I always find lots of shield bugs on the raspberries. I find them quite tricky to shake off, they do cling on quite hard. But as you say, I can't see that they do any damage.

    1. I guess if there was lots of them they may be a problem. They pierce the plant with their mouth-parts so I wonder if that is why you can't shake them off.

  3. It must be the time of year, I've seen quite a few of them around recently. One was running around on my windscreen.

    1. I once felt a tickle on my neck, Jo when I was in the bathroom. I brushed the tickle with my habed and a shield bug landed on the floor. That was my first meeting with a shield bug.

  4. Now they are little 'uns. Often see these creatures at the allotment despite their excellent camouflage skills.

    1. They are strange creatures aren't they Anna changing colour as they grow

  5. What a brilliant close up, if I had taken that it would have been a green blur! We've had a fair few of them around this year, more than

    1. It came out better than expected, Snowbird as they were crawling about - the other hid under the raspberries

  6. Lovely aren't they.
    Many congratulations on your eight years too!

    1. Apparently they are called stink bugs too, Jessica and emit a smell skunk like but I've no experience of this. Thanks doe the congrats - do you want to go into the draw?

  7. Thank you Sue for sharing never seen one before have a blessed day

    1. There are different species in different colours Linda so not all are green.

  8. I have never seen this species before. I've found the brown version here.

    1. The colours change as the bugs grow Endah but there are all sorts of species which feed on different plants

  9. I know these bugs very well. We call them stinky bugs. They like to nap on my cabbages :)
    great close up. At first I thought raspberries are big worms :D

    1. I had a look and see what you mean about looking like worms.

  10. That's an amazing close up, Sue. I'm rather hoping now that I haven't accidentally scoffed any whilst out collecting raspberries - I do tend to eat the fruit as I'm wandering around! Eeuuwww! I've seen quite a few in the garden lately, it's that aut*mn thing again. Drat!

    1. Is that a typo Caro? :) They look as though they would be crunchy!

  11. Hi again, Sue - I agree, a great close-up shot :-) I had never seen a shield bug until early this year in my Mum's garden moving about on a ground cover plant - so well camouflaged it was there. It was a bigger 'un than yours and maybe a sloe bug.

    1. We seem to have lots this year Shirley - all sorts of sizes.


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