Tuesday, April 8

So did we or didn't we see an avocet?

No we didn't see an avocet we saw a few! Again they were a long way away. For those of you that know Slimbridge they were spotted from Rushy Hide. 

We even had a view of some in flight as they headed to who knows where.

For photography purposes we could have done with them a little closer. These were our best efforts.

These two babies - a mallard duckling and a coot chick - were close enough to make easier subjects.

 Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments http://glallotments.blogspot.co.uk/ author S Garrett


  1. Oh lucky you seeing that many avocets. We'll definitely have to make a trip there soon. I showed the biggest boy your kingfisher pictures and footage - he loved it. We always like to see the little duckies and chicks as well. In June there's a duckling week when you can go behind the scene and see the captive ducklings that they've reared, and that's really popular with all small people.

    1. There were about 10 CJ but some took off and flew away whilst we were watching. There were only one or two young that we saw - we did think one of the avocets was either building or protecting a nest.

  2. Lovely photos.. that duckling is so sweet, as is the coot chick with it's wacky hairdo :o)

  3. It was definitely a successful trip for you. How cute is that little duckling, he's so fluffy.

  4. Lucky you, great photos. The baby birds are so sweet.

  5. Your pictures are great Sue, you must have a long lens! I think we need to go back to Slimbridge sooner rather than later, lots of babies already!

    1. There were just one or two early babies, Jessica

    2. Should have said the lens is 60x optical and 120x if you stray into digital which gives blurrier photos unless you are really lucky. If something is a long way away I do usually take some at 120x just in case I get lucky

  6. I love avocets- the elegance- the simple colouring! Saw them one years ago at RSPB Minsmere Norfolk- have tried to spot them ever since. And you have got some lovely pictures of them Sue!

  7. You see the avocets quite well on your pictures. You are lucky to have see these. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Well the avocets are clear enough to make the photos interesting enough for me, lovely birds

    1. I think them being black and white helps David

  9. That baby Coot is adorable, looks like friar tuck. I don't think I've ever seen Avocets here although the other day we were passing Loch Stemster and 2 huge birds took off. They were'nt birds of prey, they were the size of Herons but were'nt Herons - same colour as the Avocets though. You were lucky to have seen them and to have gotten such fabulous pictures too :)

    1. Avocets aren't as large as you may think Linda - about half as big as a heron

  10. What a pleasure to see them, I did enjoy the video, such amazing beaks they have. We had one in the rescue once with a broken leg, the beak was rather terrifying then!
    How cute are the chicks....absolutely adorable.xxx

    1. They reminded me of someone using a scythe as they swish the beak from side to side, Snowbird


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