Tuesday, April 16

And we're off!

The shallots and onions are really putting a spurt on now and will soon need planting out on the plot.

The first lot planted are now growing quickly:
The second lot are also catching up.

Last week was also the start of some serious seed sowing. A full list of the seeds sown is here. The seeds that we feel need a little more pampered start into life are in the spare room under the grow lights but there are also plenty in the cold greenhouse too.
The celery and celeriac seedlings under the grow light seem to be doing better than those left in the cold propagator in the greenhouse although the later are surviving.
The cyclamen that I grew earlier in the year from seed collected from my houseplants are also growing faster indoors - who can blame them - both lots are beginning to develop tiny plantlets but the ones inside are stronger looking.
You may have noticed that we now have two grow light systems, one of the tubes failed in the first system so we replaced it but the light still isn't working. We need to contact the manufacturer for advice but decided to buy a second set-up. It was something we had been thinking of doing anyway. Meanwhile both grow light trays are full of seedlings. The single tube is giving an adequate supply of light for now.

PS Don't forget the competition to win a fire pit - more information here

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments http://glallotments.blogspot.co.uk/ author S Garrett


  1. Wow that's a whole heap of sowing you've managed to get done there. It's great now that the weather appears to finally be changing to something more seasonal isn't it :)


    1. And some is already up - there was a delay between sowing and posting. Yes it is good to be started on seasonal things - we have started on the allotment planting too but that;s for another post!

  2. At last, it's been such a long winter that I thought spring was never going to arrive. It's nice to see everyone getting on with all the spring jobs now that a bit of warmer weather is here, though it's a bit blustery out there today.

    1. It is blustery, Jo which isn't good for someone like me who wears contact lenses!

  3. I'm glad to see a photo of your onion and shallots. I'm growing onion for the second time (was going to say first time but I tried shallots one year to no success). I have a tendency of covering the onion completely with soil so I guess this is where I'm going wrong.

    1. I sometimes plant them a little lower when planting directly in the ground, Kelli. You just need to leave the tip uncovered really. They may have initially appeared to be planted a little deeper but a combination of watering the compost and maybe the roots pushing the bulbs up a little has revealed more of the sets. This post shows them newly planted.

  4. Its a lovely feeling when your seeds have been sown isn't it, & even more so when you have seedlings coming through.

    1. It is, Jo. Just need the weather to co-operate now!

  5. I have just been in my greenhouse and it as though everything has just started a race! All my seeds have germinated so I really need to join the race now! Let's hope this weather continues. Take care. Chel x

  6. Wow! Lots of goodies you have there! :)

    1. Hoping they grow into edible goodies, Dewberry

  7. Goodness, you'll have a bumper harvest of onions, amomgst other goodies!xxx

    1. Hope so Snowbird - although last year started with so much promise and lots of onions just rotted.

  8. Hi Sue, you really are up and running, as are your onions and shallots. My seed-sown shallots look like they might actually be putting on some growth now. Like you I am juggling seedlings between cold greenhouse and warmer conservatory depending on need, but with the weather warming up nicely things are germinating in the greenhouse too which is a relief. Shame about your light, hope you get some good advice.

    1. It's just a matter of finding time to ring the manufacturer, Janet. The supplier said something about a problem with packing - not sure what sort of packing he means!

  9. YOur onions and shallots are looking great Sue. I've noticed the weeds are starting to grow now so hopefully this is the start of Spring finally lol

    1. There always has to be a downside doesn't there njgf

  10. Hi Sue, wow! Great looking onions & shallots! How do you get those bulbs to plump up so nicely? I hope the weather is improving for you! I'm going to check out the post you linked to for Kelli. Cheers, Jenni

    1. The shallot bulbs are plump when I get them Jenni so I can't take credit for plumping them.

  11. It's all looking good Sue. I think we are all going to be in for a very busy month!

    1. We will have if this wind dies down, Tanya

  12. It's all looking fabulous :}

    1. Hope this year it carries on looking fabulous, Bilbo


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