Thursday, April 3

Have a go at the sunflower competition!

Let's see who on Green Lane is good at growing sunflowers. Pat on plot 39b is organising a sunflower growing competition. On payment of a 50p entry fee you will be given two sunflower seeds. You must use the seeds provided to grow plants to enter into the competition. This is to ensure that it is not the variety of seed that's making the difference and keep things fair. Number of entries will be limited by the number of seeds in the packet. Other than that you can grow your sunflowers in any way you like.
The entry fee is to enable us to buy prizes for two categories. One category is the tallest sunflower and the other is the largest sunflower head. The diameter of the sunflower head will be the dimension measured. The more entries we have - then the better the prize will be!Measurements will be taken on request and the dimensions recorded - and a photograph taken - this will ensure that it won't matter if your sunflower - flowers before everyone else's. Just decide when you think it is as big or tall as it is going to be and ask for it to be measured. Sorry but this is only open to tenants on Green Lane but if you garden on another allotment site - why not have your own competition and send us some photos.

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