Wednesday, October 5

RSPB - Old Moor


  1. What an interesting video - I wonder what he/she's doing when it shakes it's leg.

    1. The leg shaky is the egret stirring up the mud with its feet to disturb the water creatures which it can then pick off.

  2. Loved that video! The Little egret looks like it's wearing wellies!
    This post was such a tonic for me, after another hard day of builders, chaos and dust, it was sooooo lovely to get too relax, chill and just enjoy!Thanks for that!xxx

    1. The video is all Martyn's work. Dina. I thought the rings looked like wellies too. Happy to have cheered you upa little.

  3. I could spend hours there. What a treat.

    1. It's a bit hit and miss, Jessica. The other hides were quiet and on some visits the birds are too far away to enjoy.

  4. Lovely photos Sue,looks like a good day out. The egret is quite beautiful

    1. The reserve is near enough for us to arruve, have lunch and have the afternoon there, Jayne. On this occasion we were lucky.

  5. Love watching the birds, as well Sue. Egret is cute!

  6. Lovely photos, Sue. I certainly could have used your terrific camera skills on vacation this past month. Nothing more frustrating than getting in at night only to find most photos blurred. Ack!

  7. lovely birds photos! It look like painting!

  8. That Little Egret is lovely looks very exotic in Yorkshire. The water is so still love the reflections of the birds in the water. Great photos.

    1. It was the reflections that I especially liked, Annie


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