We still have a supply of fresh herbs. I plant parsley in pots in the garden but also plant out a row on the plot. The pot grown parsley grows quicker and gives us fresh growth to harvest whenever the fancy takes us. The pot of parsley is currently in the cold greenhouse really just to protect it from a battering which will hopefully provide us with fresh green leaves through winter.
The row on the plot is made up of smaller plants but they are looking very healthy and should hopefully keep going after the pot grown plants have gone over.
The plant growing behind the parsley is borage which has self seeded and so far this year not produced any flowers. It's optimistically decided now is the time to produce buds.
I don't hold out much hope of success although the rosemary that we grow in a pot in the garden seems to think any time is a good time to flower. It produces flowers continuously throughout the year - even now!
The sage planted in a herb bed on the plot still is covered with useful leaves even though that growing in tubs in the garden had been denuded.
Maybe I should dry some leaves whilst there is still time - it's something I have never really got into - maybe I should.