Please add a comment to tell us something about youself and their gardening. We would love to know something about our visitors. To receive some photos, for the web site, of your garden or plot would be fantastic. We have some photos from our French visitors - click here to view.
Tuesday, November 27
So where do our visitors come from?
Please add a comment to tell us something about youself and their gardening. We would love to know something about our visitors. To receive some photos, for the web site, of your garden or plot would be fantastic. We have some photos from our French visitors - click here to view.
Monday, November 26
November Photographs
Things are really slowing up and the weather is getting colder and a bit wetter.
Saturday, November 24
Allotment Safari?
If the weather as kept you away from the plot then you may have missed this lost visitor!
Surprising how the wildlife comes out when it is quiet!
Sunday, November 18
One of our favourite insects is under threat from invaders!
Sunday, November 11
Update to the November diary
Friday, November 9
Recycling Cans
Paul (plot 50) has arranged for the cans that everyone has been collecting to be picked up. This may happen next week although the company have said that they will only take cans if they are in the large builders' bags. This way they can load them into their lorry easily. Can I ask that in future would you please squash the cans before popping them into the collection bags as in this way we will be able to store them prior to collection much more easily. We will try and create some sort of storage area on plot 46 to accommodate future collections.
Thanks to Paul for arranging this.
Thursday, November 8
Plot 46 Flattened?
At least it is in the sort of state that means we can make a start on the storage bins.
Tuesday, November 6
November diary
The November diary has now been started on the web site click here to access. One feature of last week for me (other than piles and piles of manure being delivered), has been the wonderful leaf colours. I have never noticed before that leaves on one half of the tree turn colour sooner and also fall off the tree sooner. I suppose that shouldn't be a surprise as presumably the side facing prevailing winds will lose leaves first.
Thursday, November 1
More Affiliated links
Our New links for Avon and Boots are accessible from the side bar.