Monday, January 31

What a week!

Last week was one of those weeks that you don't want to repeat . We have been more or less confined to the house.

I did go out into the garden where there were some uplifting aspects to the week. Our first snowdrops are flowering. This is always a cause for celebration as , although we are still in the middle of winter, it feels as though spring is just around the corner.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Sunday, January 23

A busy week

Last week was a busy week in more ways than one.

We actually paid a couple of visits to the allotment. The first visit was to harvest some parsnips as I needed some for some meals that were on the week's menu.
We lifted more than we needed as we decided to store some at home. Often when I need a parsnip we can't, for some reason or other make it to the plot. We've been pleased with the crop. Most are 'proper' parsnip shaped rather than looking like fat deformed spiders. They must have continued developing as many were larger than those lifted earlier.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Monday, January 17

A mixed week

Last week was a really mixed week weather-wise. We never knew what we were going to end up waking up to.

We managed some walks in the sunshine. It was really lovely and sunny when we went for our regular walk around the grounds of Nostell Priory. Ruby loves it there and becomes very excited as soon as we are in the vicinity. The excitement reaches a crescendo  as the car indicator signals that we are turning into the gates.

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Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Monday, January 10

A cold and frosty morning,

Last week was quite eventful with two birthdays to celebrate, Ruby was two years old on Saturday and Martyn was a lot older than that on Friday. Normally we would go out for a meal for Martyn's birthday but we don't yet feel up to venturing to restaurants. The last time we ate out was when we went to pick up Ruby from the breeder. She came from Bristol so we booked into a hotel the night before we were due to collect her.

We did all have our hair cut which in current circumstances is a cause for celebration. The hairdresser comes to our house and cuts, Martyn's, my sister's and my hair on the same sfternoon.

The only gardening that we did last week was to pot up some new raspberry canes. They were a gift from Thompson and Morgan as a thank you for linking to a page I wrote on growing raspberries.

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NB The first time that you comment on WordPress the comment will be moderated but after than you will be on an approved lost and no moderation will be necessary

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Friday, January 7

All Change

Regular visitors will be aware that Martyn and I each have a blog. In addition to this we have a video vlog. We also have a website. There are links at the top of my blog that lead to pages on this site. I can no longer update the website pages as the software that I used to build the site is no longer available. I have had to rewrite the site about three times due to companies withdrawing the means for updating this site but much of the material is still valid.

We wanted to try to bring together all these online elements so we decided to link everything using WordPress.

The problem in switching platforms is that regular readers are used to finding and following blogs from particular links. For this reason, Martyn and I will keep our Blogger blogs active but posts will act as a bridge. Here there will be posted a brief summary and a Read more link that will take visitors to the full version of the post on WordPress. Visitors can choose to place comments on whichever platform they prefer.

At the moment the transition is a work in progress so if you come across anything that doesn't work please let us know.

I do hope that the changes will not put you off and that you will continue to visit and comment as we really do appreciate your support.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Wednesday, January 5

December in pictures

Monday, January 3

When you can’t garden

We weren’t really tempted into the garden or onto the allotment last week.  When the weather was reasonable the condition of the ground wasn’t really conducive to any gardening activity.

We decided to have a couple of afternoons at Nostell which pleased Ruby as it’s one of her favourite places and the entrance staff now recognise her. I’m not sure that they would remember us if she wasn’t with us.

We weren’t the only ones to decide to visit as Nostell was the busiest that we have seen it. Until we left the popular areas we had to keep our wits about us in order not to come into conflict with riders of bikes and scooters which have the habit of approaching silently from behind us.

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You will notice that some changes have taken place with respect to our blogs which I will explain in a later post

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett