don't usually post about personal problems but this post is an exception.
the next few weeks you may notice that online presence fluctuates quite a lot.
I may post less regularly - maybe not at all - on my own blog and not be able to comment on the blogs that I visit.
that you don't know about me is that I have very poor eyesight. I am
exceptionally shortsighted. Without glasses or contact lenses my world looks like this.
was prescribed glasses at primary school after somehow managing to cheat my way through early eye tests for several years. I hid my poor eyesight
well and developed effective strategies for concealing the problem. I just did not
want to wear glasses.
in my late teens I started to wear contact lenses which I have used since and
which gave me natural vision.
Recently after a while the lenses have been uncomfortable as my eyes have become dry meaning that I can't wear my lenses 'full time'
glasses that I have as back-up are very thick lenses and really don't give
a very good vision as well as being very heavy to wear.
As a
first step I have to wear glasses full time so they can diagnose an accurate
prescription. This means that I have some difficulty reading and using the computer.
don't know how long it will take to make the decision about whether surgery
will go ahead and in the event that it does, how long it will be before I am
allowed back at the computer. I am trying to schedule one or two posts just to keep you interested so you don't dessert me.
If I
suddenly go quiet you will know why and I hope you will hang about until normal blogging is resumed.