Journeys to transport plants to plot have been severely delayed due to the wrong kind of rain and high winds meaning our plant waiting room (aka cold frame) is full to bursting point.
The wrong kind of rain is the spits and spots that we have had when ‘proper’ rain was promised meaning that the ground remains arid and those plants that made an earlier trip to the plot have been battered and bruised by the strong winds that hurtle across our site. We haven’t really wanted to plant out our carefully nurtured plants in such unwelcoming conditions and so they wait!
The really dry earth also means stakes just won’t hammer in to the ground far enough to erect a support framework for our raspberries. There’s been just enough rain to penetrate a few centimetres - enough to make sure that weed seedlings are fully supplied with enough moisture to grow.
The winds have meant that I haven’t yet managed to mulch the strawberry plants which need doing before we erect the structure to support the netting. So our ripening strawberries are at the mercy of the birds!
Once normal service is resumed I anticipate quite a bit of overtime getting things planted out.
We also have plants waiting in the first class waiting room (aka the garden greenhouse). All the plants that I ordered for the front garden have now arrived. The penstemons have been potted up for a few weeks now and could be planted out.
The dark leaved dahlias are growing on a little in pots,
and the salvia collection arrived last week and is growing well. (Mark have you noticed that one is called Lara!)
Also waiting patiently are the dahlias grown from seed
and with a whole array of other flowering plants. There would have been more but somehow we have lost about half a dozen packets of seed and wouldn't you know it most were ones that I specially wanted to grow. None are available in shops and it’s too late to send for more seeds so it's a case of try again next year - I bet they'll turn up once it's too late to sow them!
Then we have excitement in the VIP - Very Important Plants - lounge (aka the indoor growing garden in a spare room). You may remember that I mentioned that I was going to try growing cyclamen from seed and didn’t really rate my chances of success. Well … wait for drum roll and pause of expectation … the ones being grown as pot plants germinated a little while ago – well 6 out of the 8 seeds have which is 6 more than I expected.
So why haven’t I mentioned this before? … well I was waiting patiently to see what happened to the cyclamen coum seeds. Until yesterday there was no sign of them at all but then I spotted a tiny leaf and looked closer to see that there was evidence of one or two more shoots shyly peeping from the vermiculite.
I've circled some as they are not easy to spot even in 'real life'
The wind has died down now and it has actually rained a little this morning so maybe we'll manage some planting this afternoon - fingers crossed!
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