Monday, March 10

Springing into actiom

Last week the weather was almost spring-like so we managed to make quite a lot of progress on the allotment. At times it was even warm enough to discard a layer of clothing. It was pleasant to work in the sunshine.

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Monday, March 3

Has spring sprung for you?

It's now meteorological spring but when do you think spring begins? Last week almost felt spring-like.  Some days were very pleasant. The sun made an appearance but it remained cold on most days.

The sun, however, made us feel like getting into the garden and onto the allotment.

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Monday, February 24

An afternoon at the plot

Last week's weather, for the most part, was awful. We had strong winds and rain that varied from light drizzly showers - the sort that wets you before you notice it is happening to more persistent lasting all day. Nostell was shut for one day and the garden at Temple Newsam was closed due to the danger posed by the greenhouse. Nostell has been closed several times this year. It seems places have become more risk evasive. We still managed to fit in Ruby's walks. Despite lots of ears flapping she managed to keep all four paws on the ground. Parking charges have been introduced at Temple Newsam. I don't know if it was the weather or the charges, but visitor numbers were down even though it was the school half-term.

There was a break in the awful weather on Saturday so we had an afternoon at the allotment - our first real visit of 2025. 

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Sunday, February 16

Another slow week

I didn't publish a post last week as to be honest I had nothing of interest to write about. To be frank the same could be said for this week.

We have lots of tidying up to do in the garden but it has been too cold or too wet or too wet AND cold to tempt us outdoors other than to take Ruby for a walk. Ruby doesn't mind getting wet when going for a walk or playing chase but flatly refuses to pop out in the rain to fulfill toileting requirements.

Our walking venues were very quiet with most walkers having a canine companion.

For want of anything better to write about, I decided to have a walk around the garden.

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Monday, February 3

Onions and potatoes

The only gardening-related activity last week was a visit to a local garden centre to buy our seed potatoes and onion sets.

As well as offering seed potatoes in the usual bags, there are also individual potatoes on sale which is ideal for those who wish just to plant one or two tubers in pots or, like us, want to try something different.

We bought five tubers each of Elland and Francis. Francis is an early variety and  Elland is an early maincrop. We also bought bags of two varieties that are new to us, Skywalker - a second early and Kingsman - a maincrop. Three other varieties Orla - second early, Sagitta - maincrop and Ulster Prince - first Early are all varieties that we have successfully grown before. We will also replant some of the potatoes that we grew last year.

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Monday, January 27

First signs

The storm that was predicted for last week, didn't hit us as hard as it appeared to do in other areas. The winds tracked in from the west and I think we had some protection from the Pennines.

We even managed to time Ruby's walks to avoid the rain.

Although we may not have experienced the worst of the weather, we still had strong winds so we went to the allotment not knowing what to expect.

The main damage was that the panels surrounding the composting areas had been blown down.

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Monday, January 20

It begins

The snow has almost all disappeared. All that remains are mounds where snow had been piled up. The snowman, that interested Ruby so much the previous week, is now a shadow of its former self and was of no interest.

We didn't venture to the allotment. This time, it wasn't the weather that kept us away rather, we were busy doing other things, but more on that later.

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Monday, January 13

Chilling out

Although we haven't had any more snow, despite having some heavy rain, the snow that fell over a week ago is still sticking around.

It's no longer the fluffy wet stuff as below-zero temperatures have changed, what was left of the snow, to ice. It wasn't the best of weather for celebrating two birthdays. Martyn's birthday was on Tuesday and Ruby's on Wednesday. Ruby was five years old and Martyn was -  a lot older.

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Monday, January 6

Just missed a white Christmas

I don't really have much to say this week. Christmas and the New Year are now behind us and winter has moved in with a vengeance. It has been cold, very cold.

We haven't ventured to the allotment. Fortunately, we didn't need any vegetables. 

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Wednesday, January 1

December in pictures

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