Monday, March 10

Springing into actiom

Last week the weather was almost spring-like so we managed to make quite a lot of progress on the allotment. At times it was even warm enough to discard a layer of clothing. It was pleasant to work in the sunshine.

NB: Sometimes comments made here rather than on my main blog often are overlooked and languish in a moderation list. Sorry if this happens - I'm honestly not ignoring you

Monday, March 3

Has spring sprung for you?

It's now meteorological spring but when do you think spring begins? Last week almost felt spring-like.  Some days were very pleasant. The sun made an appearance but it remained cold on most days.

The sun, however, made us feel like getting into the garden and onto the allotment.

NB: Sometimes comments made here rather than on my main blog often are overlooked and languish in a moderation list. Sorry if this happens - I'm honestly not ignoring you