Monday, September 26

Digging on hold

Whilst we have had some rain, we still haven't had enough to penetrate the soil meaning that the beds are still too dry to dig over.

We are visiting the allotment less frequently now that there is no need to water everything and digging is on hold until we have more rain. In the event that we have persistent heavy rain, the next problem will be that the soil will become too claggy to dig. The joy of gardening on heavy clay soil.

There are other jobs to occupy us. Last week I tidied the strawberry bed. I cut off all the old leaves and removed any runners. We then hoed between the plants before applying a light mulch of compost. Some of the runners were planted up to hopefully produce some spare plants should we have any winter casualties in the main strawberry bed.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

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