Monday, June 24

Dastardly wood pigeons

We had a taste of summer this week. Jumpers were cast in favour of tee shirts. However, in order not to tempt fate whenever we went out we had a supply of clothing ready for whatever weather we were likely to encounter.

Plants have responded to the improved temperatures and put in a welcome growth spurt.

Last week, I stated that I hoped that, as the first lot of peas had grown taller and were staked, the wood pigeons would leave them alone. I hoped in vain, the wood pigeons persisted in eating the leaves. As a result, we have had to drape netting back over them. A plot neighbour told us that he even caught pigeons stripping the flowers off his peas. We're not sure where we go from here as the peas will end up tangling with the netting. The only option seems to be to build some sort of cage.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Monday, June 17

Well behind

Summer is obstinately still refusing to put in more than a fleeting appearance. No activities are planned without consulting various weather radars,  models and forecasts. The problem is that most seem no wiser than we are. The forecasts seem to change quickly and an expected dryish day often turns out to be just the opposite.

Martyn looked back on our harvesting records for last June. The strawberries are on cue but, in just over a week, we should be looking towards harvesting, courgettes, peas and broad beans.

Courgette. plants still have lots of growing to do before they start producing flowers let alone fruit.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Monday, June 10

Jumpers in June

When we made the flippant comment, "That was probably our summer", after the one summery week in May, we were hoping that it wouldn't turn out to be prophetic. According to weather 'experts' May was the hottest on record. Really? That certainly wasn't our experience. Plants didn't think much of the dull weather either. As for June, so far there hasn't been much improvement. Any sunshine that we have had, has been negated by the cold winds.  It's not tee-shirt weather. We are still in jumpers and fleeces. Plants are growing slowly and being battered by the winds. The phrase 'grass frost' is making our ears prick up. So far that hasn't affected us - whew!

At least the roses seem to acknowledge the fact that it is summer.

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

Wednesday, June 5

May in pictures

Monday, June 3

It's a battlefield

When we first started allotmenting, it seemed to be a more peaceful way to spend time. We planted and, as long as we weeded and watered, things tended to grow. Tomatoes were grown outside but blight never affected them. As plots all around us were head-high with weeds maybe we had a protective barrier.

Whatever the reason, as allotments became more popular and plots filled up pests and diseases moved in.

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Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett